PCSS Career and Technical Education Program Recognized by iCEV for 100,000th Certification Earner

PUTNAM COUNTY, TENN. — iCEV has recognized the Career & Technical Education (CTE) program in Putnam County Schools for having the 100,000th certification earner.
iCEV, a leading producer of CTE curriculum, industry certification testing, and data management, offers opportunities for learners to demonstrate they have the knowledge and skills necessary for work in a wide range of industries. The milestone of 100,000 certification earners represents that there are now 100,000 individuals more prepared to pursue their academic and career goals.
Serving almost 12,000 students across 21 schools, PCSS has long been recognized as a leader in promoting equitable access to CTE programs and career opportunities. At Cookeville, Upperman, and Monterey High schools, as well as VITAL School, CTE courses are aligned to relevant industry certifications that will help earners begin successful careers.
“It’s important that we provide equal access to all of our students,” said Jackie Vester, CTE Program Director for Putnam County Schools. “We want to make sure all of our students are leaving with the tools they need to be college and career-ready.”
Having the 100,000th earner demonstrates the significant role certifications play in ensuring students in Putnam County are prepared for their careers. Monterey High student Anderson Jiguan was actually the 100,000th earner, receiving a Center for Financial Responsibility Personal Financial Literacy Certification which is a Tier 2 Certification approved by the State of Tennessee.
“We want them to really explore and think about what their next steps are, and we want to make sure as a school system that we are providing them with the skills they are going to need for those next steps,” said Vester.
By partnering with organizations such as iCEV, PCSS will continue to fulfill its mission to provide CTE students with employable skills that will help them lead successful careers in the fields of their choosing. In the previous school year alone, Putnam County Schools certified more than 1,500 students, including 374 through the iCEV Testing Platform.
“This milestone celebrates the success of Putnam County Schools and countless other CTE programs across the country,” said Dusty Moore, iCEV CEO. “The certification earners are now better prepared for their careers and are serving in communities across the country. iCEV is proud to partner with schools nationwide to provide opportunities for individuals to enhance their knowledge and validate their skills.”