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Putnam County Schools Show Gains in ELA Proficiency

PUTNAM COUNTY, TENN. – The Putnam County School System is encouraged and excited about the release of 3rd and 4th Grade TCAP ELA (English Language Arts) proficiency results. This morning, the Tennessee Department of Education released state-wide data from the Spring 2024 ELA TCAP assessment. According to the most recent data received, Putnam County has shown growth in both 3rd and 4th-grade English Language Arts proficiency.

Spring 2024 scores indicate a 3.1 percent increase from last year, with 46 percent of 3rd graders demonstrating proficiency on the ELA portion of the TCAP assessment.  PCSS also showed growth in 4th grade, with a 5.0 percent increase from last year, with 49.7 percent of 4th graders demonstrating proficiency on their ELA portion of TCAP.  

“These gains would not have been possible without our staff and students' incredible determination and commitment,” said Jason Stickler, PCSS Data and Testing Supervisor. “We are so proud of our students for their hard work, which has resulted in this academic accomplishment. Also, PCSS continues to be forever grateful to our dedicated teachers and administrators for their unwavering dedication to ensuring our students succeed.” 

Additional TCAP results will be released by TNDOE later this summer. Parents can check their child’s assessment scores through the TCAP parent portal, which will be posted by the Department of Education and Putnam County School System.